Mengkaji Skripsi Kualitatif

Index: Mengkaji Skripsi Kualitatif

Pengertian Penelitian Kualitatif

"Qualitative research is a loosely defined category of research designs or models, all of which elicit verbal, visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory data in the form of descriptive narratives like field notes, recordings, or other transcriptions from audio- and videotapes and other written records and pictures or films." --Judith Preissle

Penelitian kualitatif juga disebut dengan: interpretive research, naturalistic research, phenomenological research (meskipun ini disebut sebagai jenis dari penelitian kualitaif yang dipakai penelitian deskriptif). Tetapi kesimpulan di sini masih terdapat dikotomi karena tidak menerangkan karakter khusus dari masing-masing jenis penelitian.

Penelitian kualitatif menggunakan deskripsi dan kategori dalam wujud kata-kata, seperti: open-ended interviews, naturalistic observation (common in anthropology), document analysis, case studies/life histories, descriptive dan self-reflective supplements to experiments serta correlational studies.

Mengkaji Skripsi Kualitatif-Pengertian Penelitian Kualitatif

Ciri-ciri Penelitian Kualitatif

  • Observe events (ask questions with open-ended answers)
  • Record/log what is said and/or done
  • Interpret (personal reactions, hypotheses, monitor methods)
  • Return to observe
  • Formal theorizing (speculations and hypotheses)
  • Draw conclusions
Mengkaji Skripsi Kualitatif-Ciri-ciri Penelitian Kualitatif

Proses Penelitian Kualitatif

  • Detail tapi open-ended interviews
  • Observasi langsung
  • Menulis dokumen (dengan kata bukan angka)
Mengkaji Skripsi Kualitatif-Proses Penelitian Kualitatif

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