Analysis of The Effects of Variables Using Intensity and User Satisfaction Toward The Success Of Information System In Stie Malangkucecwara Malang
Information is an important element in making a decision. In order to make an appropriate and effective method, decision should be supported by information which is superior and reliable. Qualified information can be obtained from a system which is able to process data accurately. Therefore, an information system is one of important things in making decision which give effects to the ability of company to compete and reach its organizational goals.
It is especially in this era in which business movement run rapidly that we are demanded to make the appropriate decision in a very short period of time. With a responsive system, we are able to run our business effectively so they will give optimum results.
One of the systems which is discussed in this research is a computerized information system which is widely used in all corporate. The computerized information system is used to shorten the number which is used to entry, analyze and process data accurately, and save data in tight security. However, not all information systems are categorized into well enough and support the business.
When the information systems are applied and implemented in such department that causes the department is able to improve its performance, then this information system is considered succeed. Therefore, through this research, the researcher tries to analyze what things supporting the success of certain information system.
Several effects of variables will be tested for the success of information system. Variables which are going to be used are system quality, information quality, service quality, using intensity and user satisfaction. The system, information qualities, service quality as X variable, firstly are tested for their effects toward the information system using intensity and then their effects toward user satisfaction as Y variable. Then, each Y variable will influence each other. Next, Y variables which consist of using intensity and user satisfaction will be tested for their effect toward the success of information as Z variable. On the other hand, Z variable will be tested for its effect toward Y variable. Net benefit which accompanies Z variable is assumed to be one of measurement means for the success of information system.
This theory model initially formulated by two professors of information system who domicile in America, namely William Delone and Ephraim McLean with their research entitled “Information System Success: The Quest for the Dependent variable”. The research then continued by other researchers that finally suggested one additional independent variable. Due to the rapid growing of world, next ten years Wiliam Delone and Ephraim McLean updated their research by adding one additional independent variable, namely service quality and entitled it “The Delonde and McLean Model of Information System Success: A Ten-Year Update”.
Based on this theory model, the researcher tries to apply it to Academy of STIE Malangkucecwara which employs a lot of information system in its operational activities. Being influenced by its environment and culture which are different to the original research environment, it is enabled that the result of this research is little bit different to the original research.
It is expected that knowing variables which effect toward the success of information system, Academy will optimize the result of the existing independent variables so that it may obtain the success of information system which is able to increase the compete ability in the competition fields which is more tight.
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