The Use of English in the Mathematicss Teaching

The Use of English in the Mathematicss Teaching and Learning of International Standard Class in SMPN 1 Malang

The descriptive design was used in this study. To collect all information related to the research problems, the researcher interviewed the mathematics teacher, observed the teaching and learning process, recorded the classroom conversations, and delivered questionnaire to the students. Then, the information was classified into some aspects and presented descriptively.

The study was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Malang involving class VIIE. The school is located at Lawu Street No.12 Malang. One mathematics teacher and 28 students of class VIIE became the subjects of this study.

The study confirmed that the implementation of the International Standard Class especially in mathematics at SMP Negeri 1 Malang already fulfilled the International Standard School characteristics in term of the use of English as the medium of instruction, the teacher quality and the use of information technology. Yet, the English language used was still not persistent. It was synchronized with the students’ English proficiency. The problem the teacher should face was the difficulty in communicating the lesson to the students. To solve that problem, the school should take some actions such as conducting an English For Special Purpose Course for the teachers especially for those who teach International Standard Class, improving school facilities, being consistent in encouraging the teachers to use English as the medium of instruction, and evaluating students’ progress in the form of English Contest which can be held at the end of the semester.

Jayanti, Ety Dwi.

Key Words: the use of English, classroom language, International Standard Class

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