Relation between Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement

Relation between Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Underachiever, Achiever, and High-achiever Student at Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences (MIPA) Surabaya State University (UNESA)

Piqued by writer’s curiousity is this research about relation between student’s achievement and student’s self-efficacy of high-achiever, achiever and underachiever. Self-efficacy in academic sphere is how far one’s projection toward his ability to organize and to lead into achieving educational goals (Bandura, 1997). This research is intented to prove as to whether a high-achievement student automatically has high self-efficacy, and vice-versa.

The objects of the research are students of faculty of Mathematic and of Natural Sciences (MIPA) Surabaya State University at academic year 2008-2009. Research samples are limited to those of fifth semester student at Mathematic, Biologi, Physic, and Chemistry with technique of Total Sampling. They are 154 students. Whole indices datas of the student are collected through jotting down their marks of semester I, II, III, and IV for every courses. 1) It is conversed into Z-score. 2) To arrange orderly the marks in each semester. 3) 25% upward is high, 50% is medium, and 25% downward is lower.

We analize into two steps. First is to analize student’s scholastical basis using crosstabulation analysis in order to categorize those of underachiever, achiever, and high-achiever. Second step uses questionaire of self-efficacy which derived from Bandura (1997) which based on Likert’s sumated rating prinsip. Hence we examine using cross-tabulation and chi-square to prove the relation between academic achievement and student’s self-efficacy.

Through the studi using statistic and examining hypotesis, we discover facts as it is: 

  1. The using of cross tabulation toward 154 students of MIPA leads into inference that 29 student are underachiever, 1 high-achiever and 47 achiever. The largest lump of those of underachiever are student of Biology, approximately 23%.
  2. The descriptive examining asserts that there is a relation between self-efficacy and academic achievement. Analytical result out of 154 students of MIPA, we may conclude that those who have high self-efficacy along with high IPK is as far as 13 students, or 8.4%.  Student’s lower self-efficacy who has lower IPK is 9 students, or 5.8%. Student’s high self-efficacy who has lower IPK is 5 students, or 3.2%. Lower self-efficacy student who has high IPK is 8 students, or 5.2%. Whereas the rest, 119 students have medium achievement and medium self-efficacy.
  3. It is proved by using chi-square in each subject and in every faculty and department that there is no relation between self-efficacy and academic achievement.
  4. By using Chi-square can we conclude that there is a significant relation between academic achievement and self-efficacy in third semester those of students of Mathematic. Chi-square analysis explains us that there is a significant relation between self-efficacy with Z-score of Index of Achievement for each semester (IPS) at third semester. The conclusion is derived from chi-square at figure of 10.000 with a probability 0.040 (lower than 0.05). It means that there is a significant relation between IPS at third semester and self-efficacy at the Mathematic. Relation between IPS at third semester with self-efficacy at the Mathematic used coefficient Phi, and we obtain coefficient at 0.559.

Based on this finding we can infer that through descriptive examining there is relation between academic achievement and self-efficacy. In spite of this fact, through analysis chi-square we conclude that there is relation of both in every subject, every department and faculty. The chi-square states that there is a significant relation between academic achievement and self-efficacy at third semester of Mathematic.

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Infoskripsi Bandulan, Malang and work as an Administrator at Infoskripsi Corp.
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