The Effect of Emotional Intelligence

The Effect of Emotional Intelligence toward Headmasters' Leadership Efficacy at State Elementary Schools in Sampang Regency

The aim of this research is of (1) to know level of emotional intelligence involving: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill of state elementary schools’ headmasters in Sampang regency; (2) ) to know level of headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency; (3) whether self-awareness significantly affects headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency; (4) whether self-regulation affects headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency; (5) whether motivation affects headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency; (6) whether empathy affects headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency; (7) whether social skill affects headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency; and (8) whether self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill significantly affects the headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency simultaneously.

This research employs quantitative descriptive research whith types of correlational research. The population of research is all headmasters at state elementary schools in Sampang regency of 559 people, whereas the sample of research is 41 headmasters taken from 3 subdistricts representing all population by using sampling technique of area proportional random sampling. Data is collected by using questionnaires and documentation. Instrument of research is in the form of questionnaires with 100 items for emotional intelligence and 30 items for leadership. Validity testing of instruments is valid after conducting try out to 30 headmasters of state elementary schools by Product Moment Pearson. Then, reliability testing applies Alpha Cronbach. Assumption testing of data normality employs Kolmogorov Smirnov Z, and linearity testing with the interactive graph in the form of scatter plot. Analysis uses descriptive statistic and inferential statistic testing with simple regresions analysis and double regression (multiple regression) analysis.

Result of analysis show that (1) emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill) of headmasters at state elementary in Sampang regency is in the high category, which are self-awareness (78.1%), self-regulation (60.9%), motivation (68.2%), empathy (80.5%), and social skill (65.8%); (2) level of headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency is in the high category, which is 80.5%; (3) there is no significant correlation between self-awareness and headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency with the correlation coefficient of 0.137 and the effective contribution of 1.9%; (4) there is no significant correlation between self-regulation and headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency with the correlation coefficient of 0.229 and the effective contribution of 5.2%; (5) there is a significant correlation between motivation and headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency with the correlation coefficient of 0.490 and the effective contribution of 24.0%; (6) there is a significant correlation between empathy and headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency with the correlation coefficient of 0.563 and the effective contribution of 31.0%; (7) there is a significant correlation between social skill and headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency with the correlation coefficient of 0.522 and the effective contribution of 27.3%; and (8) there is a significant correlation of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill significantly toward the headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency simultaneously which is 0.729 with value of Ftest is 7.950. The contribution of determination coefficient or R Square (R2) of emotional intelligence variable simultaneously toward headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary in Sampang regency is 53.2%.

Based on the percentage of independent variable contribution toward dependent variable, it can be said that the empathy variable is in the first rank for the determining factor of headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency, followed by motivation and social skill.

It is suggested that Education Agency at Sampang Regency should consider recruitment and selection of candidate of state elementary schools’ headmasters in Sampang regency from the aspects of emotional intelligence other than aspects which have been standardized according to the prevailing regulation. It is suggested that headmasters should remember that emotional intelligence and headmasters' leadership efficacy at state elementary schools in Sampang regency which likely high should be maintained, even improved if they are possible. It is because they are the potential capital for headmasters of state elementary schools in Sampang regency to make their leadership effective, which cover in the framework of school-based management implementation.

Amirusi, M.

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